Presents for all!
Merry Christmas!
Okay, so it's not officially Christmas. But I won't be anywhere near a computer on Christmas day (I'll be hanging out under the Christmas tree ripping open presents, and then sitting at the Christmas table ripping into some food and beer). So I'm wishing you all a merry Christmas now.
And I'm giving you all some virtual Christmas presents.
These are all places on the net that I visit regularly. And they all give me an insane amount of joy. I'm sharing them with you so they can rock your world too.
Colour me Katie
Katie puts life and colour into her world, and the world of those around her. This girl is responsible for making me smile at my computer all the time.
Photo credit: Color Me Katie
TED: Ideas worth spreading
These are presentations from people all over the world. Some known, some unknown, but all remarkable. Topics a far reaching and intriguing. I've just watched one about an Amerasian girl that made me melt.
This American Life
This is a weekly radio program out of the States presented by the delectable Ira Glass. Each program has a theme, and each theme is left of field at the same time as being totally obvious. I listen to these podcasts religiously since my friend told me about them.
White Wine In The Sun by Tim Minchin
And what's Christmas without a carol? Of sorts.
I'm off to drink white wine in the sun. Miles and Ryan are hyped up for the arrival of Santa. Miles has been wearing a very tacky Christmas t-shirt (complete with a surfing Santa on it) for days on end. His head is going to explode when Santa finally arrives, and I'm not going to miss a moment.
So I'm officially on holidays until Jan 11 2010 (and those of you who I've got a photo-related rendezvous with between then an now, don't fret. I'll be there complete with festive cheer). I'll be spending the time reading books in the afternoons, searching for crabs in the sand with Miles and Ryan, coming out from behind the computer to have a face to face conversation with Amba and generally swanning around immersing myself in life (hello new years resolution 2010).
To you all, much love. Merry Christmas!
* Meaghan