Thursday, July 17, 2008

A few introductions

Where are my manners? I haven't introduced to to my fandamily. I've got two little boys. Miles is two and ready to take on the world as fast as his little legs will let him. Ryan is 10 months and is so relaxed he makes me feel like it's Sunday morning everyday.

There's only a whisker of time between them, but they couldn't be more different. Miles is go-go-go all the time. He's cheeky, boisterous, and moody. Putting it bluntly, he's wild! Ryan on the other hand is calm, affectionate and docile. Loves nothing more than to just sit and giggle at nothing in particular.

Trying to run a business at the same time as having two kidlets around is tough. There's not enough hours in the day! By the time they're in bed I'm exhausted, but still have a few hours of photography stuff to do. Any of you with kids and that work will know exactly what I mean.

But at least I have two little subjects to take photos of all the time. Although Miles has learnt to say ''no camera''. Do you think he's trying to tell me he's over having his photo taken?



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'Photography makes my eyes prickle, my fingers tingle, and my heart thump in my chest.' - Meaghan

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