Monday, November 3, 2008

FLOWERS THAT GATHER NO MOSS [by Meaghan Cook - Geelong Wedding Photographer]

I wandered into Moss Industry today, and was nearly knocked off my feet. The shop is gorgeous! The flowers are breathtaking, and I instantly made a list in my head of all the great gifts they have that I want for Christmas. 

I had  a wonderful chat with Alex Turnbull, who is one half of the dynamic duo that run the Barwon Heads florist (the other half being Danielle Fraser). Alex and I chatted about flowers, being in the wedding business, and how busy the Bellarine Peninsular gets over Christmas. 

Alex and Danielle have made Moss Industry so successful, and it wasn't hard to see why. Their shop is a real testament to the hard work they put in ensuring only the best best best is on offer. Plus I could really tell Alex is passionate about what she does. It's really invigorating to talk to people who are like minded!

So I would recommend the girls in a heart beat if you are looking for flowers for your wedding. I know if I ever get round to getting hitched (could be waiting awhile!), I'd carry a posy from Moss down the aisle. 

(And they've got a blog which makes for some very interesting reading. Waring: it's not just about flowers!)



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'Photography makes my eyes prickle, my fingers tingle, and my heart thump in my chest.' - Meaghan

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