Saturday of mixed fortunes [Meaghan Cook - Geelong Photographer]
It started with a photo shoot for the Australian Charity of Children's Photographers (ACOCP). The charity does photo shoots for families who have experienced still birth, premature and sick infants, as well as children with terminal or life threatening illnesses. The shoot was at The Austin hospital, and I hate driving around Heidleburg. Sure, it's pretty and leafy, but confusing! Eventually got to the session, and it was tough but beautiful.

{One of my friends meandering around Fitzroy}
I needed a strong coffee after the shoot so I headed into Fitzroy and met up with three of my greatest friends. We drank tea, ate lemon tart, and generally fluffled around.

{There was a great wall wearing much graffiti, so I grabbed one of my friends and got her to pose in front of it. She's laughing because there were people walking past that thought we looked crazy.}
During said fluffing we wandered into the Rose St Artists Market. My eyes were as wide as saucers as I took in all the loveliness that was on offer. I wanted it all to come home with me! In the end I decided my life would not be complete without a cute dinosaur badge, and a killer hat from I Like You. (I'd take a photo of it on my head, but I got a touch sunburnt today and red is not a good look for me)
{Not a Banksy, but great none the less.}
With my new purchases safe in my bag, some fresh kisses on the cheek from my friends, I went to jump in my car and jet back to Ocean Grove. But this was what I found ...
{My poor car!}
Some stinking so-and-so had backed into my car and totally crushed it. This was no slight ding. My car had been rammed, hard. But I can accept that accidents happen. Heck, I've accidently knocked someone else's car before. What I can't accept is that whoever did it just took off without letting me know who they were. No note, no details, no apology. Nothing. Bah!
I ended up having to drive home doing no more than 80 km/ph in case the whole thing blew up. It didn't of course, but that didn't stop me imagining the worst. I was furious as I headed out of Melbourne. I was cursing under my breath over and over again as I headed onto the Princess highway, but then I saw this ...

Put things into perspective for me pretty quickly. It's just a car. A bingled car was nothing in comparison to what the family from my photo shoot in the morning were experiencing. It was going to be a bother to get the car fixed, but really, no big deal. I was going home to a healthy and happy family. Who care's if we don't have a fully functioning car?
lol - the Austin is on the MAIN ROAD through Heidelberg! I think I would give you more credit on that one if it were a bit more tucked away. :P
Sorry to hear about your car - some people can stoop so low! :(
I am glad the ACOCP session went well (once you got there). It is such a precious gift you are giving that family. :(
WHat a sucky thing to happen!! I'm sorry about your car.
LOL - I have to agree with Sharon about the Austin. :P
Sorry about your car - that is low, low, low! But I'm glad you could take it in stride.
I'll be thinking of the family who's lives you have touched - it's a special gift you've given them. xx
Oh bummer about your car Meaghan but you are right when you put things into perspective. It is nothing compared to what that family must be going through but it still stinks!
Oh that is so terrible about your car! Love the last shot though of the sun bursting through the clouds - tomorrow is another day!
Oh man, some people....grr!! You must have been devastated coming back to that!
Photos are great though :)
I think that is wonderful what you are doing for those families. I read an article somewhere (probably online) a few months ago about a company that does that here too. I actually thought about applying but I just don't know if I could. It must be so heartbreaking.
OMG! I can't believe someone would do that to your car!!!! ... unbelieveable! ... I'm so sorry. (hugs) what a pita. Kx
Thanks for all your good karma about my car. Turns out it's a darn write off!
the car is a write off?? wow - how annoying.. gggrrr to the bugger who did it
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