Monday, September 7, 2009

Sometimes I forget ...

... that people read my blog. I sit at home in front of my computer, usually with track pants and unbrushed hair, typing away. I don't really think about who might be reading it. I know my friends do, because they've admitted it's the best way to keep up to date with what I'm doing. Some of my past and future brides read it (hello all!). and I think my dad reads it. But beyond that, I don't really think anyone reads it.

But then I get an email from the 'outside' world about my blog and I'm jolted into reality.

Kim from Portobello Bride had seen my work on my bog, so wanted to feature it on her blog. Heck yeah!

Check it out here.

Kim's kick starting an informative and inspiring wedding blog/website and markets for discerning brides. Brides like mine. It's a very exciting project and I'm looking forward to her official launch.

But it reminded me that people read my blog. I don't really censor what I write. If you know me, you know I have trouble censoring what I say sometimes (in a good way, I'll tell someone I love them in the middle of the supermarket). Sometimes I'm a bit warts and all.

I considered being a little less warts, and a little more legs crossed in public, but where's the fun in that? Plus it would be in-genuine, and you'd spot it a mile away, and never want to read my blog again. Wouldn't blame you. At least when you read it now you're getting me 100%, unbrushed hair and all.

* Meaghan

What I'm watching: Rachael Getting Married
What I'm reading: The Good Weekend, which now gets delivered to my doorstep every Saturday. Bliss.


Katie Toland September 7, 2009 at 10:30 PM  

wow, so exciting, and very much deserved. Will have to go check it out!! Congrats Meaghan.

Bianca September 8, 2009 at 3:43 PM  

Thats fabulous!! I know your amazing, now more people will too!!
Congrats on being fab!!


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'Photography makes my eyes prickle, my fingers tingle, and my heart thump in my chest.' - Meaghan

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