Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Sweetheart Session - Erin and Francis

The beach early in the morning is a wonderful place. It's (usually) calm, the sun is slowly rising, and the people you meet always offer up a hello and a nod.

I think Erin and Francis agree.

I pulled them from their beds early this morning for their sweetheart session. They swore they didn't mind, but I'm thinking they were going to procure themselves some very large coffees once we finished the shoot.

So sweet.

Erin and Francis are getting married in two days. I hadn't met them yet as they just flew in from London where they've been living for the past three years. We spent most of the shoot just chatting. I learnt that Erin and I did the same course at uni. Wonder why we never crossed paths? There's only 500 or so people in the lectures for Arts at Melb Uni.

We also worked out that I used to live next door to them. While they were at Newman College, I was just beside them at St Mary's. Francis and Erin met while they were at college, and have been together ever since.

I admire anyone who relocates their lives in such a significant way. I've always desired to do something similar, but life kinda got in the way as it has a habit of doing. Erin and Francis are happy calling London home for the time being. And who wouldn't when you get to visit places like Prague on the weekends.

My favourite shot of the day. You can see why.

Only two days to go guys. Bring it on!

* Meaghan


Jen Stocks November 24, 2009 at 11:23 PM  

Gorgeous, as per usual. You have such a beautiful way of capturing love and interaction. Dig your work.

Lyn Walkerden November 24, 2009 at 11:50 PM  

It was worth getting up so early for that beautiful light Meaghan. Lovely photos!

Anonymous November 25, 2009 at 3:52 AM  

Great pictures - I love the the contrast of the blues against the beach.

Ceece November 25, 2009 at 5:36 AM  

oh my goodness. there is something just so sweet about these shots. you really seemed to capture their feelings in a tangible way. bravo!

Sarah November 25, 2009 at 9:50 AM  

Maybe I'm just projecting because you said it was early in the morning, but there's something so sleepy and cosy about these photos. I LOVE them.

sarah black November 25, 2009 at 1:29 PM  

Gorgeous light, and I totally love the shot where they are wrapped up in the quilt....wonderful1!


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'Photography makes my eyes prickle, my fingers tingle, and my heart thump in my chest.' - Meaghan

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