Monday, January 25, 2010

The time I happily came second

I recently had the wonderful experience of helping out photographing a wedding. I was the 2nd shooter. The right hand man. The bag carrier, gear looker-afterer, errand runner. And it was bliss.

Caroline Bowen was shooting her first wedding. And she was nervous. Rightly so. Photographing a wedding always makes me nervous. No matter how many times I do it I get butterflies in my stomach. So you can imagine the size of the butterflies in Cazz's tummy.

So I went along to help her out (not that she needed much help). It was Connie and Matt's joyous day, and it was a blast.

There's a fine art to 2nd shooting. It's not just about following around the main photographer, and shooting over their shoulder. You've got to look for the alternative shot. The alternate angle.

Like this one. Cazz was taking a stunning photo of Connie from front on. So I stood in the wings, and got this lovely contemplative shot of Connie from the side.

There's no use taking exactly the same photo as the main photographer. Why would a bride want two shots that are exactly the same?

Being the 2nd shooter also enabled me to get a lot of quiet moments. Often when I'm shooting a wedding I'm looking for the main action shots. It can be hard to remember to take a step back and get the little things. It was an absolute joy to spend the day tuned in to the understated.

Connie and Matt's ceremony was held overlooking the water in Portarlington. It.was.perfect.

And I have to make special mention of Mat. He looked an knock out! Seriously, the details in his suit were incredible. He looked so fine, so dapper.

This would have to be one of my favourite photos of the day. Children notoriously never look at the camera. While Cazz was trying to get the little flower girl to look at her for this family photo, I was able to snap this side view. And I love it.

Thank you Connie and Matt for having me as part of your wedding day. I hope I didn't get in the way (which is the other main job of a 2nd shooter. Don't get in the way!)

And thank you Cazz, for having me there with you. It was a great learning experience for me, which will go on to enrich my work.

Be sure to go and see Cazz's stunning photos from Connie and Matt's wedding day here.

* Meaghan


gray Tham January 26, 2010 at 1:18 PM  

Meaghan - These are lovely photographs. I am sure the bride and groom will be thrilled. I loved you take on second shooting ... thanks for sharing.

Robb Duncan January 26, 2010 at 5:03 PM  

Awesome work as always Meaghan, cannot wait til you have time to come second shoot with me!!

sarah black January 26, 2010 at 11:05 PM  

Great work as always Meaghan, and looks like was a great experience for you. I love your attitude so much, you are just pure sunshine and positive thinking!

fiona carson January 26, 2010 at 11:10 PM  

oh i adore those suit photos. gorgeous, meaghan!

Turvey family January 27, 2010 at 8:53 AM  

LOVE the pics of Matt...and so glad you were there with me!
Your perspective in every photo is just beautiful Meaghan.
(Not loving that pic of me though!!!)
cazz x

Claire January 28, 2010 at 11:00 PM  

Oh gorgeous!! How awesome is his outfit indeed! I love the green and white. Oh, and the lovely photos. I've dreaming of you M, something tells me we better catch up xox


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'Photography makes my eyes prickle, my fingers tingle, and my heart thump in my chest.' - Meaghan

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