Uncanny (?)
From the moment Miles and Ryan were born I've had to listen to everyone commenting on how much they look like Amba. Amba all over, but with my eyes. But really, just like Amba. "It's uncanny how much they look like him," people would say at various stages throughout the children's lives. I don't really mind, probably better off looking like him then me, let's be honest about it.
But now, thanks to my mum, I can prove that for a fleeting second one of the boys looked exactly like (a then month old) me. She found these two photos that show a striking resemblence between Ryan and I when I was a baby. The likeness becomes more apparent if you squint your eyes, tilt your head to the left and pull on your ear three times.
A roly-poly me.
And a roly-poly Ryan.
The likeness is uncanny, right?
* Meaghan
ps - thanks for all the birthday messages on my last blog post. I'm certainly buoyed by the general consensus that I am indeed fun after all.
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Yep, completely uncanny.
Even the same little ears and grin. Gorgeous!!
There is definitely resemblance - so cute. Today I also realised that Jake Gyllenhaal looks just the same as Amba.
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