When you're having a baby, you speculate about what traits of yours that they'll inherit. Will they have your whispy hair, freckles, penchant for lazy Sunday afternoon naps? I wondered these things just before Ryan was born. I wondered if he'd be bookish like me, or good with his hands like Amba. Perhaps he would be different from us both and be good with numbers like his grandfather. I hoped he'd get my blue eyes and Amba's very good hair genes.
What I didn't expect that I'd pass on was my ugly laugh. He too scrunches up his nose, closes his eyes and shows all his teeth.
Sorry about that kid. You're doomed to laugh like a hyena for the rest of your life.
* Mum
Oh and hold up a sec. Can you see the teeny tiny chipped front tooth of Ryan's? Now when the heck did that happen? It seems I've failed to notice that my child is a bit broken. I'm not nominating myself for mother of the year today.
**Thanks to everyone who's been joining my facebook page of late. You guys are 100% awesome. **
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HARDLY ugly. Totally adorable and filled with character, is more like it!
x Luci
I'd call that a blessing ;) x
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