Wednesday, February 9, 2011

My valentine

I bounded down the steps of the Yahoo bar (Shepp-resent). It was December 19th, 2003 and I'd not long moved back to Shepparton to start my career as a journalist. I was out for the night with my friend Emily, a newly minted lawyer, who like me, was ready to let off some steam after spending the week getting habituated to working full time.

Emily and I grabbed some beers, found a booth and sat down to watch the crowd, trying to talk to each other over the sound of the music. We watched the band. I particularly, was watching the bass player. I commented to Emily that I thought he was, well, there's no other way to put this, I thought he was hot. Super hot. Hot in that brooding bass player way. Emily saw her moment, and presented me with a dare. She'd buy me a beer if in the next break for the band I went and talked to the bass player.

Not one to shy away from a dare, I bounced over to the stage as the band laid down their instruments. "Hi, I'm Meaghan. I liked your set." Yep, dems were the cliched words that came out of my mouth (forgive me the lack of originality, I'd had a few beers).The bass player looked up at me, a little startled perhaps by this perky girl being a little odd. 'Uh, thanks.' He said.

I don't recall what happened next, but I'm pretty sure it wasn't much of a conversation because I was soon heading back to Emily to claim my free beer without much of a story to tell.

But I will always remember what happened next. I watched the bass player pack up after their set was done, and head up the stairs and go home. I recall feeling a little disappointed, he'd seemed really nice. I turned back to Em, and continued with the night. It was awhile later and I felt a tap on the shoulder. I turned around, and it was him. The bass player. He'd come back. He'd come back to see me.

The rest of the night is a blur (maybe that's because it was so long ago, or maybe it was the beer), but I do know this. Amba and I ascended those stairs together at the end of the night, pashed out the front of the Shepparton post office, and started something that would turn into forever.


Happy Valentine's day.

* Meaghan

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Kate Ellis February 14, 2011 at 9:15 PM  

omg. that is about the cutest thing I have ever read. xx

Anonymous February 14, 2011 at 9:44 PM  

That's a fantastic story - Norah Ephron couldn't do better...

Happy Valentine's Day :-)

Kylie February 14, 2011 at 9:57 PM  

*pash* - I am still giggling! beautiful M! xoxoxoxoxoxox

Emily W February 14, 2011 at 9:59 PM  

Pashin' outside the Shepp Post Office - haven't we all been there?

Nice one, Megs. x

Sarah Bowen February 15, 2011 at 8:42 AM  

Awww, what a great story!I just realised that I never knew before now how you and Amba first got together. Thanks for sharing

Fiona February 16, 2011 at 5:17 PM  

I remember seeing you at the Yahoo the next night (there really were a lack of venues weren't there?) You said you'd met a cute guy called Amber ... So sweet!

Anonymous February 23, 2011 at 5:06 PM  

This makes me cry a little.


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