Sunday, April 17, 2011

ET phones home

Ring, ring.

At least once during every wedding I get on my phone and dial Amba.

"Hello. Everything alright?" he answers.

What comes out of my mouth in answer to that question varies from wedding to wedding. Sometimes it's a simple 'all good, how are you and the boys?". But other times it's more like "I'm stuck on Kings Way, there's a truck on my arse, I'm lost, and I have to be at the hotel in 3 [expletive] minutes!"

Amba cops it all - I dropped my camera bag in a puddle and put it on without realising and now my back is all wet and I smell funny. I'm starving and I forgot to pack any food and it's another 3 hours until the canapes are served. My 80-200 stopped focussing right in the middle of the ceremony and I freaked out! What does [expletive] EE mean and why is it flashing at me on my screen?

He knows not to be more than two steps away from his phone while I'm shooting a wedding, and an unspoken rule that he needs to pick up within the first 3 rings or there is the potential for my head exploding on the other end. Any myriad of things have gone wrong for me on wedding shoots, and Amba has helped me solve every one. Just last week he was checking rain patterns, the week before that my shoe had broken and he reminded me I had a spare pair in the back of my car.

Working on my own 95% of the time means that I don't have anyone to help me when things go wrong, so I need Amba's help. Usually the phone calls take place when I get in the car going between locations, and most them involve a fair amount of cussing at one thing or another that's frustrated me (bad light, traffic, bad choice of uncomfortable underwear).

Amba also knows me well, so knows how to respond to me when I call. "Just take your next left off Kings way, pull over and breathe" "Have the kids left any food in the car that you can eat that isn't too stale or covered in sand?" "EE means you've bumped your focusing ring on your lens you idiot." Amba can talk me through anything, talk me down from anywhere, talk me up off the floor.

So while you guys don't see him much, and he's not officially part of my business, I couldn't run it without him. More importantly, I couldn't get through a wedding day without him.


This shot was taken at Nicole and Paul's recent Wye river wedding which I'll blog more of soon. The phone call to Amba that day was just as I was coming back into phone reception range, to check to see how he went with a visit with the children to my mother (sometimes, it's not just me that needs to debrief!)

* Meaghan

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IamMel April 17, 2011 at 12:15 PM  

That is such a beautiful image!! WOW

Unknown April 17, 2011 at 12:30 PM  

So funny Meaghan I love reading your stories.

Have you aver had your camera just decide to not allow the shutter to be pressed? That happened to me and I calmly switched my camera off then on again praying like mad it would work - it did. And the bride had no idea.

Feel a bit like a swan at weddings - trying to look graceful (well sometimes) whilst paddling like mad beneath the surface.

Amba sounds awesome :)

That photo is awesome I can't wait to see more!


Lara Kelly April 17, 2011 at 8:30 PM  

A very well written post. Amba is an amazing behind the scenes guy and I feel like I owe him a lot of thanks. To know one's friend so well cared for in their daily domestic and occupational life is really special. Kudos to Amba for picking an amazing chick to be his gal.

bec+fo April 17, 2011 at 9:12 PM  

we really wouldn't be able to run these businesses without the awesome support of our "better" halves, would we?

kudos to Amba!

Whint April 17, 2011 at 9:38 PM  

I just love your blog posts, such beautiful words.... I have to ask though... what was your phone call to Amba about at my wedding??

gemma higgins-sears April 18, 2011 at 8:57 AM  

OH gosh.... this is a fantastic post..... so true and honest, and funny, i found myself nodding in so many parts!!!

Andrea April 18, 2011 at 9:29 AM  

Gorgeous image - and so very true, the 'other' halves of our businesses play a big role!


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