At the workshop, one of the girls asked me about my day and how I manage to fit everything in. I said something about flying by the seat of my pants and my days being a constant muddle.
But I've been thinking about it some more and realised that there is some rhyme and rhythm to my day. There really has to be in order to get everything on my very far reaching to do list done. It doesn't always get done, but I am able to knock some tasks over every day.

A couple of mornings a week I go and do some huff and puff. I way out of shape since having the kids, so this is my attempt at reeling myself in and getting a little bit fitter. I find that these days I'm actually more productive. I hate that there's truth to the fact that the benefits of exercise extend further than fitness.
When I get home the kids are up and eating breakfast. While they're enjoying their morning TV I use this time to check emails that have come in over night and try to reply to as many as I can.
The rest of the morning is taken up by kid activities - walks, riding bikes, baking, visiting friends. I take my iphone with me and keep track of emails coming in. I don't usually reply, but I like to know what's there.
While the kids are eating lunch, I again sneak time on the computer. When I got my lap top at the end of last year it changed how much I can work during the day. Now I can sit at the table at the kids, eat lunch with them, all while placing print orders or getting back to potential clients.
Miles and Ryan don't sleep in the day any more, so there goes that time to work. So I don't even try. I learnt very early on that there's no use trying to edit photos or do anything that takes more then 3 minutes. Miles and Ryan can sense me trying to concentrate and do everything in their power short of burning the house down to ensure that I stop working. So we get out and about instead. I try to tire them out as much as possible because I really need them in bed early. Long walks and bike rides are perfect for this.
Once Miles and Ryan are in bed for the night, my real work day begins. By now the emails are backed up and I've always got photos that I'm working on (whether it be for clients or my own personal work). I've learnt to try to get the photo editing done first, otherwise I get lost on the internet and never get back. I blog at night too. Sometimes I get a few posts ready, then shoot them off over the next few days. Pending how busy I am, I can work anywhere form 2 to 5 hours at night. I have however cut back dramatically on my computer time at night. I could work and work for hours, but I've learnt to draw the line, and to even have nights off. I hang out with Amba, watch my fave shows on tellie ( hello United States of Tara) or go out and catch up with friends. Once my business exploded and I became really busy, I realised that my work had the potential to take over my life if I let it. So I try to make real effort to switch off from it all. I still find it hard to do, especially because the window in a day to get some solid work done is so small. But if I don't I actually end up more stressed and frazzled. An no-one appreciates a stressed and frazzled Meaghan, especially those living in this house!

So that's roughly how I spend my day. It differs slightly when wedding season is in full swing (less TV watching, more hard core photo editing going on), but that's the general gist. It's by no means the most productive way to run a business, but while I've got two little ones home with me, it's the best way to fit everything in.
* Meaghan
If anyone else has any questions they'd like answered, feel free to email me . I get lots of emails from people wanting to know things about running a photography business and I'm happy to answer them. Lots of generous people answered my questions when I was starting out, so I figure it's just continuing the chain to do it too.
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