Monday, September 6, 2010

Before and after

It's been rainy. So rainy. No chance to get outside and take any photos, so instead I thought I'd show the before and after of one of my photos from Allison and Hayden's recent photo shoot.

I knew as soon as the shutter closed down over this photo that I loved it. Allison and Hayden were walking away from me, and I called Allison's name. She looked up and gave me this super sweet half smile. The smile combined with the dreamy light, and I knew I had it. ( I especially love the way the sun is landing gently on her hair)


1/640 f2.8 iso200 80-200mm


Not much to do in photoshop as all the strong elements of the photos are already there. Photoshop for me is not about changing a photo so much that it becomes unrecognisable. Nor is it about trying to save an average photo. It's about enhancing what is already there in the photo. So I used the levels to clean the haze up a bit, added some contrast, bumped the colours a bit. And I think I even warmed it up just a smidge. A smidge of a smidge.



And that's it!

* Meaghan

ROCK WHAT YOU'VE GOT photography workshop
Sept 26th 2010
Limited places!

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'Photography makes my eyes prickle, my fingers tingle, and my heart thump in my chest.' - Meaghan

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