Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Sneak Peek - Finn

* Meaghan

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Sneak Peek - Angela and Steve


Sunday, March 22, 2009

Three years old and still rocking on

Dear Miles,

Happiest of 3rd birthdays!

This was the rocketship cake you specifically requested. I hope the blue is blue enough for you (I found unnatural satisfaction in making the icing as garish as I could). For the record you ate 4 pieces, and would have eaten more if there was any left.

We went to the Werribee Mansion where you were spoilt by your extended family. Presents abounded. As did the obligatory squabbles between you and Ryan over said presents. But once we distracted Ryan, you were over the proverbial moon about your new toys.

You frolicked in the flowers, drank fizzy lemonade that tickled your nose and slept happily in the car on the way home.

A perfect birthday for a sweet boy who finds life exhilirating, exciting and extremely extremely funny.

Love Mum

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Sneak Peek - Robyn and Mike

* Meaghan

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Michaela and Leon get married

Finally I'm posting the photos from Michaela and Leon's February wedding. 

I've known Michaela for 14 years. She's a year older than me, and I seemed to follow her through life a bit. We went to the same school, were in the same school productions, we both went to Melbourne University and both lived on campus at St Mary's college. I just did everything a year later. I've also known Leon for awhile because he came to St Mary's as well. 

Knowing them both so well made photographing them a joy. I was honoured to be a part of their wedding day, especially because I've seen their love grow and deepen over the years. 

Michaela didn't want any shots of her getting ready, so my first shot of her was when she arrived at the St Cartridges church in Parkville. 



Michaela was a blissfully happy bride. There wasn't a hint of nerves from either Michaela or Leon during the ceremony.





They were an absolute blast to photograph during their bridal party session. As you can see, they were in high spirits...



Leon had two friends as his groomsmen, and Michaela had her two sister as her bridesmaids.


Michaela's dress was so damn classy. She looked so stylish. It was complimented by Leon's grey suit. Knock out couple.






Michaela and Leon were very clever in the way they organised their wedding day. Straight after the early afternoon ceremony they had a mini-reception with all their guests. After a few hours of drinks and merriment, they came with me and had their photos taken. Once we finished up, they headed to the North Fitzroy Star for dinner with their families. It worked really well.



These were pretty much the last two photos I took of Michaela and Leon on the day. And by far my absolute favourites.



Michaela and Leon, I've said it before, and I'll probably say it a thousand times more - thanks for choosing me to capture your beautiful day. It was a joy, and honour, and an absolute blast.

Some of these photos seem a bit hazy? I think so too. Not sure what's going on there. They were tack sharp on my computer.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Little Lara

I was happily playing in my backyard with my boys recently, when I got a wonderful surprise. My friend Renee had driven all the way from Shepparton to visit me. Mammoth effort on her behalf seeing as though she has a two year old and a two month old. 

And this is the 2 month old - Lara. 


I was lucky enough to be in Shepparton on the day she was born, so I got to officially welcome her into the world. But this was the first chance I'd got to give her a real cuddle. 


I couldn't resist the opportunity to photograph her with Jaxon. I'm not sure if Lara was too happy about it though. 


This photo just melts my heart.


I'm so lucky to have friends who will go to such lengths to visit me. Finding my feet in my new town has been made easier knowing I have the support of friends like Renee back home.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

A boy and his best friend

Meet Teddy - Miles' well loved and long suffering teddy bear. 

She lost her dress years ago, all her stuffing is gone, and a month ago I had to sew her head back on. 

She used to be my bear. I gave her to Miles one night to comfort him. They were inseparable from that moment on. 

But as Miles has grown, Teddy had become more of a hinderance to Miles, than a help. He would rather cuddle his teddy than run, jump, play, and interact with other kids. He would sit in the back seat of the car while we were driving and hang onto Teddy. I couldn't get a word out of him. He would fret if Teddy was more than two feet from him. He would cry if Teddy every got lost under the mess at our house. 

So the tough decision was made and now teddy lives in the cupboard. Miles took it badly, to say the least. But he's pretty much fine now. He runs, jumps, plays, and chatters to me in the car. He's come alive. It broke my heart to see him upset at first, but now makes my heart sing to see him experiencing life again. 

This is my favourite photo of Miles and his bear. It now hangs on his wall, and he says goodnight to the teddy in the photo every night. 

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Sneak Peek - Michaela and Leon

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Photos + Music = Pfwoar!

There's just something about adding a great song to a collection of photos that really makes the shots come to life. It adds a whole other element. It's like all the best scenes in a movie. They are always accompanied by the perfect music. 

But choosing the perfect song is darn hard. Luckily I'm well trained in the art of making mixed tapes (re, I used to make them endlessly, and still dabble from time to time). It's all about picking a song the compliments, not overpowers. A song that has it's own identity and own nuances. A song that you're going to be able to listen to a million times. 

Get it wrong and your photos are ruined. For example, death metal just isn't going to go well over wedding photos. Unless of course the couple are  death metal lovers, then it would be a little ironic. But I digress. 

While you're watching these to slideshows, tune into the music. Listen as it draws you in, gives extra meaning to the photos, and leaves you with that nice aaahhhhhh feeling when the slideshow finishes. 


Wednesday, March 4, 2009

I've been imbued!

I'm so glad I live in the age of blogs. I lurve blogs. All kinds of blogs. Photography blogs, craft blogs, fashion blogs, blogs about nothing more than the rantings of a 32 year old Seattle accountant. They're voyeurism in it's simplest form. 

I spend way too much time reading other people's blogs. I could pretend to fell guilty about it, but heck, I love them too much to feel guilty. 

So you can bet I was over the moon when I was featured on another blog. I went all pink and rosie and had to sit down with a strong cuppa. 


Kristy Marek, the wonderful wedding planner behind Imbue Weddings has a blog. Be Imbued is all about providing inspiring ideas to brides. Kristy saw my photos from Peter and Georgia's wedding and wanted to feature them on the blog. 

Did I mention I went all pink and rosie? 

To read about me go to Be Imbued.

Be Imbued has now been added to the lengthy list of blogs I check regularly. My list is getting pretty long, and I wouldn't have it any other way.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Sharla and Ryan fall in love

I've been busting to put these photos on show. They're of Sharla and Ryan, who I had the absolute pleasure of spending a Sunday morning with. 



Sharla is American and met Ryan when she arrived in Nagambie to try her hand at working on a winery. Ryan is a Nagambie boy and had been working there for a few years. There must have been something in the wine they were making! 



Their wedding is going to be in Canada. Sharla is doing a stella job organising it from all the way out here. She's got her mum in Canada to help her with things over there. 


These guys were awesome fun. They were so relaxed with each other, and in front of the camera. I just had to point my camera at them really. 

Sharla discovered this ride on mower at one of the locations we went to and burst out laughing. They get about on tractors at their work, so it was a bit of fun to get a shot of the two of them on the mower. 


This is one of my favourite photos from the day. It's them. Pure and simple. 


My best wishes go to Sharla and Ryan. And I'm totally green with envy because they are going tripping around Europe for their honeymoon. I'm considering hiding in their luggage. 

Are you recently engaged? Ask about The Boutique's Sweetheart sessions

Monday, March 2, 2009

Such a kick seeing your name in print

Many moons ago I was a journalist. I wrote stories about football games, court trials and 80th wedding anniversaries with aplomb. One thing that I always got a kick out of was seeing my name in print. 'Dog rescues owner from car wreck' by Meaghan Cook. Sends little tingles down my spine. 

So naturally I was thrilled to bits to see my name in print again, especially since I've given up the journalism gig.  I've got an article in the current issue of Bride and Groom. 

The article is about choosing a wedding photographer. Don't worry, I was totally unbiased, although I did just want to write 'PICK ME!' all the way through it. 

See the little red boxes. That's my name. Feels good! 

And my ad.... 

It was great getting back into writing. Writing was my first passion, and I studied it at University. Essentially what I love about it is the ability to tell a story.  So when I think about it, it makes total sense that I crossed over into photography. I tell people's stories with my photos as well. And what is it they say about a picture speaking a thousand words? 

This great magazine is put out by McPherson Publishing, the great folks I used to work for when I wrote for the Shepparton News.  Visit GV Bride and Groom website for more information. You can pick up copies from the Shepp News and local newsagents in the Goulburn Valley area. It's well worth it because there's load of great information that will make planning a wedding so much easier.  

Oh wait, I've got spare copies! If you would like one simply email me meaghan@meaghancook.com and I'l send one to you. 

I'm off to stick my article on the fridge. 

Sunday, March 1, 2009

A photographer's child

People always comment that I must have hundreds of photos of my children. Well, um, er, hate to admit it, but not exactly. 

They then usually say that all the photos of my children must be as beautiful as the work I do for my couples. Well, um, we, hate to admit it, but not exactly. 

I take just as many blurry, out of focus, back of the head shots of my boys as the next mum. Plus I usually have to put my camera down to wipe a face, read a book, stop a child from eating a little Leggo man, etc. Then I forget to pick it up again. 

I pledge to take more photos of my boys. 

* Meaghan


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For photo inquiries please contact meaghan@meaghancook.com. 

'Photography makes my eyes prickle, my fingers tingle, and my heart thump in my chest.' - Meaghan

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