Wednesday, November 26, 2008

New role (and I'm completely pumped about it) {Meaghan Cook - Geelong photographer

I mentioned recently that I did my fist shoot for the Australian Charity of Children's Photographers

I had the honour of photographing a baby who was born at 25 weeks but was not strong enough to pull through. It was a tough experience, but no matter how tough it was for me to photograph the child, it was a thousand times more difficult for his family. 
It was heartwarming to know however that my photos will be something the family will treasure forever. I hope they can bring even just a small amount of comfort. 

After that experience I thought it would be great to get more involved with the ACOCP. It's a new charity, just a few years old, so not many people know about it. Most of the members of the ACOCP would share the dream that everyone knew the service existed so that we could provide professional photos to all families who have stillbirths, premature babies or terminally ill children. In a former life I was a journalist, so I've put my hand up to be the ACOCP media officer. I'm going to do all I can (short of wearing a sandwich board out the front of the Sunrise studio) to get the charity out there. 

So look forward to much extolling of the ACOCP's virtues in the coming months. Anyone with good ideas of how to get the word out there, drop me a line. Similarly, if you work in either maternity or children's health care and would like to know more, I've got heaps to tell you! I can also be contacted on (well, I can be, just as soon as I work out how to access my email).

* Meaghan

And I've been waiting and waiting for this to come onto YouTube so I could put it up here. 
Did you catch this? It's the Wiggles on Spicks and Specks doing a U2 song. With all the primary coloured skivvies, hand clapping and oversized smiles I forget that they are actually a real band. 

Sunday, November 23, 2008

More than one way to use a photo {Meaghan Cook - Geelong Wedding Photographer}

Thought you might like to see this. It's Kaki King's music video for her song Pull Me Out Alive. 

Watch it, then I'll tell you about it ... 

What they said about it: The video was made without film cameras -- it consists of over 5,000 still photographs shot on Nikon D30s. There are no special effects; all of the light trails were created by hand, with up to eight individual "light animators" flashing LEDs and flashlights on and off over a long (8 second) shot exposure. The video was shot in NYC over five very cold, 16 hour days in January. 

The moving light is known as 'painting with light'. In a dark setting, (at night for example), the camera is set to a long exposure (8 secs per say) 
and while the shutter is open you literally use a light source (such as a torch) to paint the air. What results are those long streams of light seen in the video.

This is also an impressive way to combine stop motion with light painting (it's a commercial, and no, I'm not on board with Sprint).

The possibilities are endless. Might pop outside tonight and see what I can do with a torch and a camera.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Peculiar spotty disease [ by Meaghan Cook - Geelong Wedding Photographer}

It seems my children have come down with something quite odd. I hope it's not contagious! 

I'm listening to Doves - Lost Souls

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Saturday of mixed fortunes [Meaghan Cook - Geelong Photographer]

It started with a photo shoot for the Australian Charity of Children's Photographers (ACOCP). The charity does photo shoots for families who have experienced still birth, premature and sick infants, as well as children with terminal or life threatening illnesses. The shoot was at The Austin hospital, and I hate driving around Heidleburg. Sure, it's pretty and leafy, but confusing! Eventually got to the session, and it was tough but beautiful. 

{One of my friends  meandering around Fitzroy}

I needed a strong coffee after the shoot so I headed into Fitzroy and met up with three of my greatest friends. We drank tea, ate lemon tart, and generally fluffled around. 

{There was a great wall wearing much graffiti, so I grabbed one of my friends and got her to pose in front of it. She's laughing because there were people walking past that thought we looked crazy.}

During said fluffing we wandered into the Rose St Artists Market. My eyes were as wide as saucers as I took in all the loveliness that was on offer. I wanted it all to come home with me! In the end I decided my life would not be complete without a cute dinosaur badge, and a killer hat from I Like You. (I'd take a photo of it on my head, but I got a touch sunburnt today and red is not a good look for me)

{Not a Banksy, but great none the less.}

With my new purchases safe in my bag, some fresh kisses on the cheek from my friends, I went to jump in my car and jet back to Ocean Grove. But this was what I found ...

{My poor car!}
Some stinking so-and-so had backed into my car and totally crushed it. This was no slight ding. My car had been rammed, hard. But I can accept that accidents happen. Heck, I've accidently knocked someone else's car before. What I can't accept is that whoever did it just took off without letting me know who they were. No note, no details, no apology. Nothing. Bah!

I ended up having to drive home doing no more than 80 km/ph in case the whole thing blew up. It didn't of course, but that didn't stop me imagining the worst. I was furious as I headed out of Melbourne. I was cursing under my breath over and over again as I headed onto the Princess highway, but then I saw this ... 

Put things into perspective for me pretty quickly. It's just a car. A bingled car was nothing in comparison to what the family from my photo shoot in the morning were experiencing. It was going to be a bother to get the car fixed, but really, no big deal. I was going home to a healthy and happy family. Who care's if we don't have a fully functioning car? 


Wednesday, November 5, 2008

SEAL OF APPROVAL [by Meaghan Cook - Geelong photographer]

Our new couch got delivered today. Miles and Ryan gave it their seal of approval. 

Monday, November 3, 2008

FLOWERS THAT GATHER NO MOSS [by Meaghan Cook - Geelong Wedding Photographer]

I wandered into Moss Industry today, and was nearly knocked off my feet. The shop is gorgeous! The flowers are breathtaking, and I instantly made a list in my head of all the great gifts they have that I want for Christmas. 

I had  a wonderful chat with Alex Turnbull, who is one half of the dynamic duo that run the Barwon Heads florist (the other half being Danielle Fraser). Alex and I chatted about flowers, being in the wedding business, and how busy the Bellarine Peninsular gets over Christmas. 

Alex and Danielle have made Moss Industry so successful, and it wasn't hard to see why. Their shop is a real testament to the hard work they put in ensuring only the best best best is on offer. Plus I could really tell Alex is passionate about what she does. It's really invigorating to talk to people who are like minded!

So I would recommend the girls in a heart beat if you are looking for flowers for your wedding. I know if I ever get round to getting hitched (could be waiting awhile!), I'd carry a posy from Moss down the aisle. 

(And they've got a blog which makes for some very interesting reading. Waring: it's not just about flowers!)

Sunday, November 2, 2008

SPECIAL VISITORS [by Meaghan Cook - Geelong Photographer]

One of the reasons we moved to Ocean Grove was so that people would visit us more. We're under no false ideas - we know that we aren't quite enough of a draw card. So to boost our desirability, we added the lure of the beach. And it's working! :)

My brother, his wife and  their cute-as-a-button son came down on the weekend.  Emil is an absolute delight. He thinks the whole world is hilarious so it's a snap to make him laugh. Good boost for the ego to have a little one giggling at you until he's hiccuping. 

And he pulls the best faces! This one above was taken when we were at the beach. Emil was tired and really over having me point the camera at him. Can you tell?

Miles and Ryan had a great time playing with their cousin. Ryan thought it was wonderful having someone his size around. Miles, to be honest, wasn't that interested. Babies, bah, he thinks. Much more interested in the yummy Anzac biscuits his aunty had made. 

It really is lovely to have people visit. Makes our new town feel more like a home. 


I'm listening to ...  Kaki King - Dreaming of Revenge

Saturday, November 1, 2008

GLOWING MUM TO BE [by Meaghan Cook - Geelong Photographer]

I forgot to show you all the maternity shoot I did with this little sweetheart's mum and brother. It was a beautiful day, and we spent it hanging out at their gorgeous property. Bec was glowing. She handled being pregnant and running after a two year old expertly.

The toddler in these shots is just a few weeks younger than my little guy. So many similarities! They are both very inquisitive, spirited, and cheeky as all heck! Bec's going to have her hands full once her newborn hits toddler stage and she's got two very busy little men to look after.


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'Photography makes my eyes prickle, my fingers tingle, and my heart thump in my chest.' - Meaghan

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