Tuesday, October 28, 2008

A GIFT [by Meaghan Cook - Geelong Photographer]

I headed back up to Shepparton recently to visit family and friends. While I was there I had the absolute pleasure of photographing little Blake. 

Blake is the second son of one of my dearest friends. He arrived a month early, but was fighting fit. He's been nothing but a delight since day one (well, apart from some nasty wind pains that make me want to cry whenever he gets them. Poor tot!). He lazed in the beautiful afternoon sun while I took his photo. He snoozed through most of the shoot, which made for some really special curled up photos. 

There's something so special and wonderful when friends have babies. I really love seeing their joy and glow. I especially love meeting the new bub when they are born, after months of staring at their mother's bulging belly.  Plus I love being able to help out - hold the baby, burb the baby, photography the baby. 

It's such a joy (I'm sounding all mushy now), and I can't wait until more of my friends have children. Yes girls, that's a *hint*.


Sunday, October 26, 2008

Beach makes it all better [by Meaghan Cook - Geelong Photographer]

Today was a stinker! And it was a stinker in more ways than one. Not only was it hot and humid, but both the boys were in very stinky moods. They grizzled their way through the entire day despite my best efforts to cheer them up (read: a trip to the Queenscliff market involving a horse and cart ride and giant strawberries). 

I suppose I could forgive them seeing as though they are both just getting over gastro. It's been a horrid week! Gastro swept through our house and flattened everyone. I've dealt with enough bodily fluid over the past week to last me a lifetime. 

Once the cool change came through after dinner tonight the boys mellowed out and we headed to the Barwon River (Ocean Grove side). The tide was out, the water was warm (ish) and we paddled and played our illness woes away. 

* Meaghan

Thursday, October 16, 2008

A day in our life [by Meaghan Cook - Geelong Photographer]

This little movie shows a day in my life at home with my boys. I've been swamped with work and other things and it had been getting me down. So on the advice of a friend, I put everything aside and just enjoyed spending the day being a mum. 

I put down my camera, and picked up the video camera instead. It was refreshing, and just what I needed. 

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Discovering hidden treasures

One of the great things about moving town, is discovering what the new place has to offer. I've been so lucky moving to Ocean Grove, because the whole area has so much to offer. There are hidden treasures everywhere, and I'm spending my days discovering them with my little boys. 

My most recent discovery has been all the beautiful canola crops that are in bloom. They make me gasp. When there are stunning yellow flowers stretching as far as the eye can see I can't help but stop and get my camera out. 

This photo was taken in a field just outside of Portarlington. The field overlooks that bay and onto the You Yang's. So unique, and incredible. The sun was just about to fall behind the hills and Miles (pictured) was in a great mood. All elements aligned to let me capture a beautiful moment. 

Until next time... 

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Welcome to the all new Boutique!

Hi everyone, I'm back on deck.

There's been so much going on around here, and so much to fill you in on.

*My family and I have made the move and we now live happily every after in Ocean Grove, Victoria. The move has been dubbed a roaring success. Everyone is happy, especially my children who just love playing at the beach. I'm extremely happy because it's such a beautiful place here, that I don't know what to point my camera at first. Although I do have to work out how to keep the sand out of it. Probably shouldn't take it to the beach, but how can I resist?

*The business has had a complete overhaul. As much as I loved my old logo and image, it was time for a re-vamp. No better time than when relaunching in a new town. So now the business is called Meaghan Cook Photography Boutique. The new name and new look suits much better what I'm about and the type of photography I do. It's all about elegance!

*The website has never looked better. Many a late night went into making it beautiful. Meaghan Cook Photography Boutique is where you'll find all you need to know about the Boutique, what's on offer and how to contact me.

So there you have it. After a brief hiatus it's all systems go and I'm taking bookings again. I had planned to relaunch after Christmas, but I was itching to get started. I'm really looking forward to getting to know the people of this area better through taking their photographs. I find photography is a wonderful barrier breaker.



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For photo inquiries please contact meaghan@meaghancook.com. 

'Photography makes my eyes prickle, my fingers tingle, and my heart thump in my chest.' - Meaghan

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