THe new blog is over ...
See you there.
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Please kindly excuse the lamo title to this blog post. Sure, it's over done, and I'm sure that Joe Stummer would be hating the fact I'm adding to the phrase' overuse (but hey, you write a catchy song you're going to get schelps like me stealing the lines). But you get the gist of the heady pretty plainly right? I'm going to London.
Tomorrow I jet off, wheely suitcase in one hand, backpack full of camera gear over my shoulders. I'm heading to the mother country to photograph a gorgeous wedding (I know, punch me in the head, I'm deliriously lucky). I've written list after list, packed and re-packed and downloaded all manner of England related iphone apps that will ensure I don't get lost on the tube, have someone to talk me through the Tate, and do quick currency conversion calculations when faced with the price of a coffee.
I've got a new camera, of which I will blog about when ! get back, and I'm exited to be taking it out for a spin. I'm thinking Hyde park will do nicely for some shooting, perhaps sunset just to add to the fun.
I'll back in a few weeks in a new incarnation. I've been busy these past few months working on a whole new me. New business name, new look, new website and blog, and a whole lot of new awesomeness. It's been a heady experience, and I'll tell you more about it when I launch it.
For now, this is what I can show you. Just a glimpse, an itty bitty teeny tiny slice of what's on it's way.
So I'll see you all in a few weeks, after my rousing tour of the UK, some fine English country side, a heart melting wedding and a week to myself to tour London. And when you do see me, oh boy hold on to your hats, it's going to be a whole new me (kinda like getting a radical hair cut that you're not sure your mum would approve of.)
See you on the other side.
* Meaghan
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Hannah was my friend's little sister, who always kinda seemed pretty much the same age as me. I walked past her house every day on my way to school. We used to wear the same maroon checkered school dresses and black t-bar shoes. We both survived our formative years in the same town, then took very different directions away.
Fast forward ten years to an email from Hannah, announcing her engagement. Would I perhaps, maybe, like to photograph my wedding? she asked. Oh Hannah, I would want nothing more.
So introduce the love of her life Ben. Ben with is sharp wit, kind laugh and enough energy to make us all envious. I asked Hannah what was it about Ben that made her fall in love with him. She teared up a little, gave a small laugh. Those actions say it all.
Welcome to their wedding, held on the banks of the Murray River at Hannah's family property in Bundalong. Welcome to the love.
Hannah and Ben are surrounded by so many good people. Both are fiercely loved by their families and bestowed with the friendship of a mighty group of friends. It was the people that truly made this wedding what it was.
Congratulations to you both!
Hannah, thank you for giving me the opportunity to reconnect with you and your family. Thank you for reminding me of the impression I left on you way back in school. Thank you for showing me that love is just the thing we need to make everything else seem possible.
* Meaghan
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