Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Very Special Kids are very special indeed! {Meaghan Cook - Geelong Wedding Phoographer}

Have you heard of Very Special Kids

They're a wonderful organisation that supports families throughout their experience of caring for children with life-threatening illnesses. It's a tough job, and Very Special Kids (VSK) has amazing staff and volunteers who do so incredible work for hundreds of families. 

On Saturday I had the absolute joy of joining in the VSK Christmas party. I went along as a volunteer from the Australian Charity of Child Photographers . The Christmas party is for all the families who use the VSK and it was an absolute hoot. There was face painting, a jumping castle, and a visit from the jolly old boy in red of course. 

ACOCP President Jessie Broome and I were there to take family portraits. Lots of great families lined up to have their photo taken, and were really appreciative of us being there. Over and over again I had to tell people to stop thanking me. Taking a few photos is nothing in comparison with what these families do to support their ill children. So if I can make them smile by giving them a family portrait to cherish, of course I'm going to do that. 

On a side note, Jessie and I got completely and utterly sunburnt. It was overcast! I know, should have had my hat on anyway. I've still got a little pink nose like a rabbit. Not attractive. 


Anonymous December 2, 2008 at 2:46 PM  

Sounds like a good time though Meaghan...and a worthwhile cause too :)

I got sunburnt on Sunday at a shoot too... my arms are very red and stingy! Doh!

How is the car going?? All better now?


I don't think we realise how exposed we are when we're out on shoots! Too busy making sure our camera is working ...

And all's good with the car. Finally. Long, drawn out saga. Will post some photos of it once I've pimped it up a bit (read: put my business stickers on it).


Anonymous December 3, 2008 at 1:44 PM  

my sunburn is finally going down thank goodness!!! Great job missy.


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'Photography makes my eyes prickle, my fingers tingle, and my heart thump in my chest.' - Meaghan

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