Thursday, April 15, 2010

Crosgrove family

Photographing the Crosgrove family was like spending an afternoon with friends on the beach. I think this is largely due to the Crosgroves themslves. They were quick to put me at ease, share a laugh with me and enjoy the experience.

Like so many parents, John and Kerry don't have many photos of themselves. Good photos of themselves. Once kids come along us parents alway point the camera squarley at them, forgetting to put ourselves in the photo. It was nice to be able to take some photos of just John and Kerry for their collection.

Rory and Matilda introduced me to the world of pre-teen girls. And it really wasn't as scary as it's sometimes made out to be. Rory and Matilda were well spoken, warm and kind to each other. They added just the right amount of silly to our photo shoot too.

The Cosgroves sat in just the right spot on the beach with the Bluff behind them. I started walking way back to get a far away shot of them. Then over the breeze came the sound of John's ukulele with four voices joining it. They were singing. Unselfconsciously, just for themselves. It was only that the wind was blowing my way that I heard it. It was beautiful, and one of those moments where I'm reminded why I love being a photographer.

I simply adore this photo of John and Kerry. Just adore it.

Thank you Crosgroves for spending the afternoon with me in Barwon Heads, letting me photograph you and sharing your lives with me.

All of you, stay gold.

You can view their slideshow HERE

* Meaghan


Robyn Geering April 16, 2010 at 2:40 AM  

Seriously gorgeous work Meaghan, beautiful natural images of the gorgeous family.

Gemma Troy April 16, 2010 at 7:53 AM  

these are beautiful Meaghan. The first family photo is stunning!

Sarah Gibson April 16, 2010 at 8:24 AM  

Love,love,love these! What a gorgeous, happy family and those girls are absolute stunners!


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'Photography makes my eyes prickle, my fingers tingle, and my heart thump in my chest.' - Meaghan

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