Monday, June 22, 2009

Heading up up and away

There's butterflies, and then there's BUTTERFLIES. I've got the latter in my stomach because I'm about to head away for the week. They're both good butterflies and bad butterflies doing what they do best when in a stomach.

Good butterflies because I'm heading up to Sydney for a few days soaked in photography. I'm going to PMA (photography trade show) catching up with other uber-talented photoggy friends, and attending the launch of the Australian Community of Child Photographers photographic exhibition, Heartfelt.

Bad butterflies because I'll be away from Miles and Ryan for the first time for more than a millisecond. I know they'll be all peachy keen staying with their grandparents, but that doesn't stop me worrying, or the butterflies. I think I told them I loved them about a million times more than usual today. At one stage Miles said 'Mum, nuff cuddles' because I was sneaking one in at every opportunity.

I'll see you all in a week when I'm back on deck with lots of photos from my trip, and a report on just how fine they boys were while I was away.

They will be fine, right?



Anita June 24, 2009 at 8:59 AM  

Great that you are part of the Australian Community of Child Photographers.


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'Photography makes my eyes prickle, my fingers tingle, and my heart thump in my chest.' - Meaghan

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