Saturday, January 23, 2010

Sweetheart session - Chrissy and Dan

My love affair with Melbourne is growing. I love driving atop the Westgate bridge and seeing the city swelling beneath me. I don't know the names of all the buildings, but I could draw the skyline in my sleep.

So I jumped at the chance to hang out with Chrissy and Dan, in Federation Square, and take some photos. I love Fed Square. I love the greens of the glass, and the deck chairs around for people to lounge in. It has a relaxed communal vibe. And seeing people sitting on the steps on their laptops makes it feel like 'Melbourne' to me.

Chrissy, you are mesmerising.

I love when new people come into my life, and when I get to reconnect with others. That's the case with Chrissy and Dan. Chrissy emailed me a while back and I instantly liked her. Meeting her in person confirmed that she was great. I've known Dan for, hmmm, let me think. Ages! We're both from Shepparton, and when you've lived their long enough, you get to know most other people in the town your age. It was wonderful to see Dan again, to hear what he'd been up to.

More Melbourne goodness. That's the Forum in the backgound.

Chrissy gave a little squeal when she saw the ferris wheel. 'Seriously, I LOVE ferris wheels,' she exclaimed. This one's for you my dear!

It was oppressively hot when we did the shoot. You know how the Melbourne smog is really good at keeping the heat in? So we ducked inside the Atrium for some air-conditioned goodness. I love this space. The criss-crossed beams, the higher than high ceiling, and the gorgeous streamlined wooden chairs make me very happy.

I'm very excited about Chrissy and Dan's wedding. Not because it's in an awesome location. Not because I can't wait to see the colour of the bridesmaides dresses. But because I'm so happy for them! These two have a serious connection. They rebound off each other in perfect timing. Without ever missing a beat. I always get a little sentimental when two perfectly matched people find each other.

* Meaghan


Kristen Cook January 24, 2010 at 9:50 PM  

Love. Their connection is amazing, and these are beautiful as always x

Gray Tham January 24, 2010 at 9:50 PM  

Meaghan: What a beautiful couple and the most perfect photographs to capture their happiness together. I love the ferris wheel shots! I am sure their wedding will be absolutely fantastic!

Anonymous January 25, 2010 at 9:06 AM  

These are gorgeous, Meaghan. They look like such a fun, happy, in love couple. I bet their wedding will be fab.


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'Photography makes my eyes prickle, my fingers tingle, and my heart thump in my chest.' - Meaghan

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