Sunday, February 14, 2010

Oh yes, it's Valentine's day, and I love it

Ahh, valentine's day. Here you are again. Come to wrap your big strong arms around us all in a communal showing of affection and love.

And with you too come the Valentine's day haters. The poo-pooers who delight in denouncing Valentine's day as commercial collateral. They proclaim that we shouldn't need a devoted day to tell those we are devoted too that we are exactly that.

But I say poo-poo to the haters, and bring on the delight of Valentine's day. What other emotion has a day dedicated to it, but love? There is no Sad Day, or Sufficiently Ambivalent day, or Quietly Despondent day. And rightly so. Love is the pick of the emotional bunch and deserves a day of its own.

What Valentine's day means to you is something else entirely. It can mean flowers, chocolates and a card with a bear on the front looking sheepish but secretly harbouring desires to rip your clothes off. Or it can be a home cooked meal of steak on a plate, no salad.

For Amba and I today it meant him dashing to the shop this morning to buy me fresh hot cross buns and the Sunday Age. And me buying him an iTrip because I'm sick of him borrowing mine. I drew a love heart on the wrapping paper.

It can even mean a phone call to your mum. Just to say hi. (Who said Valentine's day had to be about raunchy love?)

So happy Valentine's day to you all. Even if there was no 'special someone' remember that you are loved by many, so be sure to celebrate this. Just as Valentine's day reminds us to celebrate love.

* Meaghan

What I'm watching: Season 3 of Gossip Girl (I know, I know, but I really do love it, and it's a pro love day).
What I'm reading: How About Orange

Note: the photo above was taken by Nathan Vale. They're my stubby hands holding the pine cone.



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