I think it's broken.
I went to bed last night and my eye was a little sore. You know that feeling when an eyelash falls out? It was like that. In the morning, it was slightly more irritated. By lunch time today is was becoming bloodshot and watering like a fountain.
And now it looks like this.
Yes, I'm going to the doctors tomorrow. I love how I managed to get something wrong with me at 4pm on a Friday afternoon. I rang the medical clinic down the road to see if they had an appointment and the receptionist actually laughed. Thanks for your sympathy love.
It feels like I'm blinking razor blades. Amba asked why I was crying, but I wasn't. My eye was just making up for the drought we've been having. I was tempted to go and stand over the plants so they could be watered.
Am hoping that sleep will cure it (it cure's everthing right?). Otherwise I'm going to seriously freak out the couple I'm meeting tomorrow for their sweetheart session.
What I'm reading: nothing because I'm half blind.
What I'm listening to: Radiotherapy
hope your eye is better......
hope your eye is better today :-(
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